

As people in a city are moving within their own well-known living spaces, which are widely varied, a citymap and a musical score arises, based upon the dynamics of these differents ways of life.


Director, producer, camera and editor: Harko Wubs
Music and sounddesign: Clemens Wijers
Animations: Studio APVIS


-Speechless Film Festival (USA)
-Days of Ethnographic Film Festival (SLO)
-Go Short Film festival (NL)

Watch ‘Ways’ at Cinemakers here.


Length: 17 minuten
Colour 16:9
Produced by Zaaigrond Filmproducties

Financed by:
-Stichting Casterenshoeve
-Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
-Nijmegen Centre for Border Research

This film is made in cooperation with professor Henk van Houtum (Nijmegen centre for Border Research / Radboud University)